Political Comic Depicting Mexican Immigration

Political Comic Depicting Mexican Immigration

This cartoon illustrates the U.S.’s mixed messages towards immigrants by contrasting the message “Stay out” with “Help Wanted.” It portrays a stereotypically depicted Mexican man examining a paper labeled with “Econ Boom” standing in front of these signs and a barbed wire fence with CCTVs.

The comic’s portrayal of the U.S. is more negative, as the message for the necessity of help is starkly contrasted by the imagery surrounding it– the barbed wire, the fence, and the CCTVs outweigh the signs for help.

The American sentiment towards immigrants, according to my interpretation of the comic, stands negative. Though the U.S. depicts itself as accepting and as a “melting pot” of cultures and people, the comic shows that this message is obscured by the U.S.’s more exclusive actions.

Stephanie Choi

Image is from this source.

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